Sunday, 12 October 2014

Welcome back to Term 4

Hi everyone

Welcome back to Term 4, it was fantastic to see all of the children today and hear about some of the things they have been doing over the past couple of weeks.  
The children all seemed happy to be back and I was very impressed with how quickly they settled back into the classroom routines.

For the first few weeks of this term we are going to be learning about successful New Zealanders from the past and present.  If you have anything at home that would help us with this topic it would be great if you could send it in with your child.    Some of the children may like to spend some time at home looking up some facts about  famous New Zealanders to bring along to school to help with their reading activities. 

Since we are back into a summer term it is compulsory for your child to have a hat on when they are outside.  Please make sure your child has their hat at school every day this term.  

During maths this term we are going to be focusing on fractions, decimals, multiplication, and division.  Remember it is really important that your child practises the basic facts they are given each week for their homework.  Knowing these facts off by heart is very important and will help them to learn strategies for solving problems with larger numbers.  Please feel free to come and see me if you would like any help with supporting your child at home with their maths.
Also remember that there are some links to useful math sites on the maths page of this blog.

Most of the students have been very good at completing their homework every night.  It is very important that your child reads every night.  It is also a great idea to ask your child some questions about what they are reading as they read to you because this helps them to practise their comprehension skills which are very important at this level.

Each night the children have a different activity to complete for their spelling homework.  Please make sure your child completes these each day and if they miss an activity they will be able to complete it the following night.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  

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