Friday, 21 November 2014

Our New Library

We were lucky to be the very first class to visit the new library!  We love it and we can't wait to use if for our reading and researching.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Researching successful New Zealanders

This afternoon we spent some time in groups researching about successful New Zealanders.  We have been learning how to use key words to find out the most important pieces of information from what we read and write about the facts in our own words.  We used internet sites and books to search for new information.  

Monday, 10 November 2014

Sports Extravaganza

What a fantastic day we had yesterday at the extravaganza!  Tomorrow we will begin publishing some of our writing about the day onto the blog.  Make sure you check out the writing section to read about some of the fun sporting activities we got to participate in.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Important Reminder!

Wow, what a busy week we have had Room 6! Make sure you remember to bring everything you need for the sports extravaganza day on Monday. If you haven't brought your permission slip or money to school yet, please remember that too.

You will need a:
  • good lunch
  • sunhat
  • change of clothes
  • towel 
  • drink bottle
See you on Monday for a day of fun!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Writers Club Adventures

The writer's club went on the Taieri Gorge Train.  First we went to the Early Settlers Museum to see Josephine.  Then we went to get our tickets from the Dunedin Railway Station.  On the way to get the tickets we saw the most beautiful glass stain window of a steam train.  We went and found our carriage.  It was carriage D.  I had to wait patiently for the train to move.  Then Joe the train guard came around getting our tickets so he knew that we had paid.  My favourite part was standing outside in the cold, gloomy, dark tunnels.  The longest tunnel was 1.5 Km long.  It was the best day ever!

By Phoenix

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Everyone has been focusing really hard during handwriting time to make improvements with our shape, size, space, slope, speed and fluency in our handwriting.  We try very hard everyday to achieve our goals and achieve a 3 star!

Dumplings with Cathy!

Today we all had a go at making a dumpling!  First we had to roll the dough into a little ball and then stretch it out in our hands so that it makes a flat circle.  After that we spooned in the filling and closed it up into a half moon shape.  We learnt that the Chinese make their dumplings into this shape because it is a symbol for money and if you eat the dumpling it can bring you success and money.  Finally we boiled our dumplings in a big pot before tasting them.  Some people thought they were delicious!  Thank you Cathy :)